8 Ball kayak carnage! :0
juin 23rd, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
8 ball is our favorite event at the Gopro mountain games!
juin 23rd, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
8 ball is our favorite event at the Gopro mountain games!
juin 8th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Adrian Mattern shares insights about how to run a big drop in a kayak!
juin 5th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
The send crew taking on the Hospital Rock section in California!
juin 1st, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Bren Orton’s tutorial for kickflips!
mai 29th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Follow the Send crew down one of the most iconic California class 5 runs!
mai 28th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
The Senders playing in the California Granitic paradise!
mai 19th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Stay tuned for more crazy footage of the Cali extreme Whitewater!
mai 12th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
The river is our playground!
mai 1st, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
You gotta love a little whirlpool wipe out action!