Extreme Deep Sea Kayak Fishing | Catch & Cook In NZ
juillet 12th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Robert Field in his 5th New Zealand episode, as he is kayak fishing a huge underwater mountain WAY offshore [&hellip
juillet 12th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Robert Field in his 5th New Zealand episode, as he is kayak fishing a huge underwater mountain WAY offshore [&hellip
juin 7th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Dane Jackson on this epic mission in California, getting onto the Big Kimshew an absolute classic which he hadn’t [&hellip
mai 31st, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Dane Jackson back at the Cadillacs on the Kern with Patrick Sheehan but this time it has rose up [&hellip
mai 11th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Casey Bryant Jones on another weekly video where he breaks down the line on the famous Coliseum rapid on [&hellip
mai 8th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Kristine Fischer on a more relaxed fishing trip with friends after a big month of Tournements she finally gets [&hellip
mai 3rd, 2023 | by Paddleworld
Follow Kristine Fischer as she heads to Lake Seminole for some practice for the upcoming Hobie Bass Open Kayak Fishing [&hellip
janvier 16th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
This week on Jackson Kayak Dock Talk host Chad Brock is joined by guests Joey Monteleone and Henry Veggian to [&hellip
janvier 5th, 2023 | by Paddleworld
In this episode of the Jackson Kayak Dock Talk, Chad Brock is joined by Ram Garcia, Del Patton and Jeremy [&hellip
novembre 21st, 2022 | by Paddleworld
On this episode of Dock Talk Chad Brock is joined by Jackson Kayak Anglers; Chris Funk, Clay Grace, Chris Payne [&hellip
novembre 15th, 2022 | by Paddleworld
Jackson Kayak deepens its roots in river fishing with this updated take on the Coosa line. “We’ve taken our extensive [&hellip