Celebrating his 70th Birthday by Catching a Big Sailfish
novembre 15th, 2016 | by Paddleworld
Check out this kayak fisherman celebrating his 70th Birthday by catching a big Sailfish from his kayak on a blue [&hellip
novembre 15th, 2016 | by Paddleworld
Check out this kayak fisherman celebrating his 70th Birthday by catching a big Sailfish from his kayak on a blue [&hellip
septembre 22nd, 2016 | by Paddleworld
A kayaker -Drew Trousdell – from Virginia got attacked and chased by a shark as he went for a morning [&hellip
mai 26th, 2015 | by Paddleworld
Extreme Kayak Fishing Inc. is an offshore kayak fishing tournament series based out of Pompano Beach FL. We are the [&hellip