Sea Kayaking Split / Brela – Croatia
décembre 3rd, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Some inspiration for a trip next year? Split, Croatia is gorgeous!
décembre 3rd, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Some inspiration for a trip next year? Split, Croatia is gorgeous!
novembre 28th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Beautiful sea kayaking footage shot in Sweden! That’s why we love paddling!
novembre 24th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Here is an idea for your next vacation!
octobre 26th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Another beautiful destination for sea kayakers out there!
octobre 17th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Another Croatian stunning sea kayaking destination!
octobre 12th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Amazing sea kayaking footage! Book your tickets for the coming winter!
octobre 9th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Fishing and Kayaking at Loch Etive, a Scotland gem!
octobre 8th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Check out this « Paddle tales » episode about paddling in Abiti-Témiscamingue! Amazing destination!
septembre 26th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
This is a really cool place to go explore paddling!
septembre 25th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Grebbestad and the Fjällbacka Archipelago in West Sweden are quite the paddling destination! Such a unique atmosphere on these waters!