Published on février 4th, 2015 | by Paddleworld
Stealth Summer Series Kayak Fishing Competition – Noosa Australia 2015
The Stealth Summer Series is a 2 stage kayak fishing competition, the first leg is run in Noosa on the sunshine coast of Queensland, Australia. Its is one of the few offshore kayak fishing competitions in OZ and is one of the highlights of the year for me. This year I was lucky enough to find the fish, with a couple of slow takers while trying to figure out the somewhat finicky mood of the fish, but once I had my tactics down it was a walk in the park. When back on the beach it was great to see the fleet of 40+ Skis all lined up with plenty of fish caught. My 5 Spotties and 1 Spanish were enough to put me into first place taking the day 🙂
Big Thanks to the Stealth guys for putting on such a great event and for signing me up for 2015. Also to Penn Australia, Uglystik Rods and Pulsator Lures for the support in 2015.