Published on janvier 4th, 2016 | by Paddleworld
Sea Kayaking Around Ireland – Full Length Movie
Sea Kayak Around Ireland is 45 minute documentary that tells the story of 2 Irish Sea Kayakers who take on their dream journey of circumnavigating their country.
2015 will go down, for myself (Jon Hynes) and my paddling partner, Sean Cahill as being one of our most memorable years. We both have enjoyed a lifetime of adventures from a very young age. This has been one of our most satisfying adventures yet.
We really hope you enjoy our documentary “Sea Kayak Around Ireland”. It’s been a dream of our to paddle around our own country for many years. In fact we were inspired by many of our kayaking friends who have taken on the journey in the past. Over the year both Sean and I have kayaked all over the world, we’ve had great victories over nature and the elements both on the sea and on the river. Sometimes we fared less well against those elements, however we always maintained a grounded sense and a willingness to learn. With these experiences behind us we embarked upon our dream trip around Ireland in June & July 2015.
Not only did the weather and elements test us but our trip was a celebration of life, fitness, adventure and most of all, Irish people. Every day we met people, who were so kind to us, we are forever grateful to each and everyone of you. Hopefully this film in some small way reflects how much that kindness means to us. Ireland truly is, one of the world’s most special places to come and sea kayak.