Liffey Descent Rescue

An unfortunate pin at Leixlip Bridge and a great example of the safety and rescue provided by the 15 rescue teams and 150 volunteer rescuers who support the Liffey Descent participants each year. This is just one of the heroic acts by 1st Dublin (LHO) and 160th Ardlea venture Scouts who have been working with an Irish Cave Rescue Organisation team member providing rescue support at Leixlip Bridge every year for the last 8 years. A big thanks and shout out to all 150 people who provide safety and rescue for the Liffey Descent participants every year, including river rescue crews, the divers and the Irish Red Cross, the Liffey Descent would not be possible with out you. Thank You.

Posted by Canoeing Ireland on Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Published on septembre 30th, 2015 | by Paddleworld

River Rescue Team Save Paddlers Pinned on a Bridge

An unfortunate pin at Leixlip Bridge and a great example of the safety and rescue provided by the 15 rescue teams and 150 volunteer rescuers who support the Liffey Descent participants each year. This is just one of the heroic acts by 1st Dublin (LHO) and 160th Ardlea venture Scouts who have been working with an Irish Cave Rescue Organisation team member providing rescue support at Leixlip Bridge every year for the last 8 years. A big thanks and shout out to all 150 people who provide safety and rescue for the Liffey Descent participants every year, including river rescue crews, the divers and the Irish Red Cross, the Liffey Descent would not be possible with out you. Thank You.

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