Published on avril 21st, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin

Pecos River kayak Fishing Self-Supported Trip – Part 4

Robert Field keeps going down the Pecos River. Lots of action in this 4th part!

« Two years ago, Bert and Dan Rodriguez attempted to kayak fish their way down 61 miles of the Lower Pecos River from Pandale Crossing to the Pecos High Bridge. Halfway through their trip, flash floods trapped them at their campsite, forcing them to abandon their gear and evacuate via helicopter.

Now, two years later, Bert and Dan have returned to the Pecos to finish what they started, and they’ve invited me along to document the trip.

In Part Four, we spend our last full day exploring Painted Canyon, and encounter more of the rich wildlife of the region before I reflect on the week’s events. Then on day 8, we’re in a race against time as we navigate through Painted Canyon rapids, grueling headwinds, the infamous boulder gardens and the Weir dam on the way to our extraction point.

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