Checklist Episode 1: Planning
Published on avril 5th, 2024 | by Paddleworld
Episode one of NRS’s new series is out now! Checklist focuses not only on the kayaking but the planning to make a kayaking trip happen and become real. With the help of NRS Team while in Iceland, this mini series you can surely gain all that’s needed so that you can plan your next trip! Where are you going?
« Every kayaking trip starts with a desire to escape and trade home for what—steep creeks? a big volume multi-day? warm water? waterfalls? »
« Once you dial in where, you have to figure out the who, the when, and the how. From planning to packing, logistics to stoke, Checklist, a mini-series shot on location in Iceland, reminds kayakers that planning a kayaking trip is easier than you think.«