Saving An Iguana Four Miles Offshore – Key West Kayak Fishing
octobre 23rd, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
« I was coming in from an offshore trip and I noticed a weird shaped object floating in the distance. All [&hellip
octobre 23rd, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
« I was coming in from an offshore trip and I noticed a weird shaped object floating in the distance. All [&hellip
octobre 17th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Aniol Serrasolses Reaching some rarely reached speed in a kayak!
mai 14th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Quebec is living under big floods alert right now… But the Paddle World people know how to react!
mai 9th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Not a joke: this guy is about to kayak down the sand Dunes of Namibia!
avril 13th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Paddling is serious stuff… But this is epic to watch!
avril 13th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Fun event in Idaho organized by Offline Outdoor. A pretty unique course shaped for the Snow Kayak Race!
avril 13th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Our friends at Kayak session found this old footage of Casper Thierfelder on the Rizzanese River in Corsica, taking a [&hellip