Red Rockfish in the Fog | #FieldTrips Ep 6
septembre 17th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
#fieldtrips Episode 6… Best kayak fishing ever!
septembre 17th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
#fieldtrips Episode 6… Best kayak fishing ever!
septembre 15th, 2017 | by Paddleworld
New for 2018 Packed with more features than any other kayak fishing life vest on the market, the Leviathan pushes [&hellip
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
« Last day of August catching smallies on the Spook. I started the day with a double catch and caught several [&hellip
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Gotta love those mornings Fishin’ !
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
This is a phenomenal boat but you will need to either a trailer or truck bed with a bed extender [&hellip
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Wahoo Fish battle in Florida!
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
A new awesome Episode of IFish!
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
« I have several videos coming out soon and several older videos that cover learning how to decide what to throw [&hellip
septembre 11th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
In this episode of Field Trips: West Coast, I’ve made it north to Central California to meet up with John [&hellip
septembre 7th, 2017 | by Matt Dumoulin
Gotta Start somewhere… And the Right Way!