Fishing for BIG Bull Redfish after Dark | Field Trips Florida
avril 11th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Robert Field catching a HUGE bull redfish in FLA!!
avril 11th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Robert Field catching a HUGE bull redfish in FLA!!
avril 10th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Cool spots, awesome fishing!!
avril 10th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Australia kayak fishing potential is just unbelievable!
avril 10th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Beautiful footage of G Smith getting after a shark in Ireland!
avril 9th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Pollock on the hook in Scotland! Awesome fishing!
avril 7th, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
Insane Kayak fishing action!!! Must watch!
avril 3rd, 2018 | by Matt Dumoulin
I don’t think I would call it a bad day