Browsing the "Kayak fishing" Category

Kayak Fishing Lake Welsh

décembre 27th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Lake Welsh is one of the most beautiful lake to got kayak fishing. Here is some footage from Brandon Kyle Mckibben [&hellip

Catch and Cook Striped Bass

décembre 26th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

The OutofWORKoutdoors boys went out to do some Striped Bass Fishing. They caught many and released many. During mid day, [&hellip

Catching only GIANT Redfish!

décembre 22nd, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Daniel Duong catching some massive redfish. Check out some of this secrets to improve your own skills. Knowledge  is the [&hellip

Predator PDL Kayak ocean

décembre 19th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Testing out the Predator PDL kayak on the ocean and trying out how mobile and stable the kayak really is. [&hellip

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