
Author Archives: Matt Dumoulin

Texas Kayak Fishing

octobre 30th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Another day Behind The Scenes with Next Level Fishing TV, and the water temperatures continue to drop.We are Texas kayak [&hellip

SHARK Fishing

octobre 29th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

PULLED Out of KAYAK by a GIANT Fish while SHARK Fishing. An epic adventure featuring epic catches and epic fails

Surface Iron Fishing

octobre 27th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Late Summer / Early Fall here in San Diego and the weather is still incredible. You don’t have to go [&hellip

Surge Narrows PART 1

octobre 27th, 2019 | by Matt Dumoulin

Fun trip to Quadra Island with the Pacific International Kayak Association. Learning to surf the Surge Narrows standing wave!

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